Maintenance Request
MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES-See the Information we need from you at the Bottom
Following are some basic guidelines as to what constitutes a maintenance emergency.
Emergency defined: Anything relating to the property under the lease that is threatening to life, health or the property.
If you are experiencing any of these problems we can take the request over the phone. After hours and on weekends please call the number 321-693-8026 and leave a message. Leave your name, number and your address and someone will get back to you. Those situations which are not an emergency should be explained using our online form (scroll down to the bottom of this page), or put in writing and either mailed, hand-delivered (can be put in night drop after hours), or faxed to us at (321) 724-5380.
Fire: Call the fire department at once.
A/C Repair: If the outside temperature is exceeding 90 degrees.
Heater Repair: If the outside temperature is falling below 40 degrees.
Toilet Clogged: If there is only one toilet in the home. (In any case, turn off the valve behind the toilet, shut the lid and clean up any mess.)
Pipe Broken: Turn off water valve to pipe or exterior water main until contractor arrives. Severity of the situation will determine if a wet-vac is necessary, and if so, when.
Gas Odor: Any appliance that you suspect is leaking turn the gas off at appliance and call our office immediately.
Broken Doorknob or Lock or Window: Only if it prevents Resident from properly securing entry to unit. If temporary measures can be taken until business hours, resident should wait until regular business hours before contacting management.
No Hot Water: Only if there is absolutely no hot water and it is between the hours of 9:00am and 5:30pm Monday- Friday or 9:00am and 12:00pm on Saturday. If there is no hot water at any other time, be resourceful and heat pots of water on the stove to take a bath, wash dishes, etc. and contact management during the hours listed herein.
No Electricity: Only if there is no electricity and 1.) The Resident has called the electric company and they are not at fault. 2.) After Resident has checked all the breakers by flipping them hard to the OFF position and then hard to the ON position and reset any and all GFI breakers (these are the little buttons sometimes found on outlets in bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, and garages.) Partial outages do no constitute an emergency! If a wall switch or outlet begins to smoke or smell like it is burning, turn off the switch or unplug items from the outlet. (Do not use again until repaired.)
These are the basic calls which may constitute an emergency. If you have a situation other than these which seems immediately hazardous, damaging or detrimental, please call our office and ask for maintenance or, if after-hours, leave a detailed message on our recorder and someone will get back to you.
These are not emergencies: refrigerator out, locking yourself out of the house, oven not working and pest control. Specialized Property Management, Inc. is not liable for loss of food caused by appliance breakdown.
All routine and non-urgent maintenance request, per your lease, must be put in writing providing your name, daytime and evening telephone numbers, address and specific problem or request. Also, if you will allow a vendor to use a key or if you want to set an appointment and be present when the vendor does the work. If you do not have a Work Request Form you may just write it on paper and either mail, deliver to our office or fax to 321-724-5380. No routine or non-urgent calls will be accepted at any time by phone!
Missed Appointments, Neglect and Unnecessary Service Calls
The resident is responsible for the payment of any invoice for which a repair was made for damage, etc. caused by their misuse or neglect. The resident is also responsible for the payment of any service call charged by a contractor for a missed appointment and/or for not leaving the keyless bolting devices unlocked or not following other instructions as agreed so that the contractor could not gain entry to the property. Residents may cancel an appointment by calling our office during regular office hours and speaking with a member of the management staff at least 90 minutes prior to their scheduled appointment with the contractor.
We are here to maintain the property in a safe and habitable condition and to service you and your needs as efficiently as possible. However, we must also protect the owner and his/her financial position so that they can afford to maintain the property and avoid frivolous cost. We appreciate your compliance to these guidelines.
I value putting the right deal together vs. simply pursuing a commission or fee.
The Manager, Tenant and Owner have to be willing to enter into forthright and honest business dealings.
There are Property/Owner situations, however rare, that have to be avoided and in the past I have actually returned properties when circumstances dictated.